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Restructuring for the New Decade

When I started the project of converting this website to a blog, I had no idea that it would take me more than a month to get everything transferred over!!

For the past few years I have been encouraging my clients to set their websites up as blogs, and I have been playing with "static blogs" for the past few years myself.  With all the changes to WordPress, it is so much easier for the small business person or solo-preneur to create, modify, and maintain their site as a blog.  The freedom and flexibility as well as sheer number of plugins and widgets gives back the power to the independent business person – and saves a lot of money for the person who is just starting out.

However, I forgot to take into consideration that this site has been around since 1997, and currently has close to a hundred individual articles.

There is always a balance to be considered between time and money, and this is one time I would have been smarter to have simply paid someone to do the work instead of doing it myself (wondering if I'll ever really learn that one about letting go)!  I didn't even think about how many links would need to be verified, or how many other details would need to be addressed in order to bring the site back online after the restructuring.

I just knew that since it's become so much easier to maintain an active site using wordpress, I wanted to make that leap with the Career Life Institute. And since I was already in the middle of re-evaluating and shifting several key fundamentals for myself personally, having a little downtime with the site didn't seem such a bad thing. I didn't even notice until I was about half-way through that there were more little pieces to deal with than I had accounted for.

Any time you restructure things – whether in your personal life or in your career – you discover thoughts, ideas, pieces that just no longer seem to fit anywhere. When you attempt to hold on to those things which have lost their usefulness – instead of streamlining for the present so you can anticipate the future, you risk becoming inflexible, outmoded and being left by the side of the road yourself.  The challenge again comes down to a balance of values, and an updated vision that lights the way.

I'm reminded of something Phil Bookman, Vice President of Silton-Bookman Systems used to say every time we upgraded the software: "God was able to create the heavens and the earth in only 6 days because he did not have an install base!"

So, please forgive our dust as the new site settles in. We are bound to find dead-end links and gaps where pages used to be. And we'd appreciate you telling us if you find yourself at a 404 page unexpectedly. We hope you'll continue along with us as we make our way forward.

Happy 01022010 – Starting a New Year

Welcome to a new decade. Regardless of what has happened thus far in your life, today is a new day ready for you to create your new future.

In fact, today is 01022010 – a great day to consider looking at everything backwards and forwards!! Today I'll be sharing thoughts about my own past year, offering a free report to help you tie up the pieces from last year and move into this new one, and finally, asking you to make a decision about remaining on my mailing list.

Conscious vs Habitual Thinking

As a result of various experiences this past year, I've recently been spending considerable thought on being fully conscious. Of living fully in the moment – in terms of consciously choosing everything I do instead of just giving in to habitual thinking and/or habitual activities.

Now don't get me wrong – habits are very useful. They make our personal world understandable and consistent.  Habits tend to keep us safe and reduce the sense of chaos that frequent change can bring.

On the other hand, unexplored or unquestioned habitual thinking or habitual actions can keep us stuck. When we apply conscious thought to the things we do, even the little things, we get to be in control of the choices we have made. That gives us the opportunity to improve, remove or continue – whichever serves us best.

Discovering My Next steps

At this time last year I "retired" from working in corporate America. Over the past year I have made some wonderful new friends who have opened up many new ideas and opportunities for me. Along the way I explored new ideas and directions, looking for the bridge from my prior endeavors into the platform of my current life.

In January my husband and I visited friends and family in Florida and took a cruise to the Caribbean.  After we returned, I met up with friends in Boise, Idaho. Then in April my daughter and I returned to Boise for training and more friends and family. In June and July, hubby and I went back to Idaho – this time on vacation to Priest Lake – and drove the Selkirk Loop into British Columbia and Spokane before flying home. Interesting that I had 3 unrelated visits to Idaho last year!  

In July I drove my daughter to Los Angeles for more training and reconnecting with friends. During the Los Angeles trip I made a business decision to begin an apprenticeship with someone I thought would help take me to the next level in the direction I had chosen.  Unfortunately due to lack of follow-through, it was necessary for me to withdraw from the program and I spent the rest of the year negotiating for the promised refund of funds I had paid upfront as a condition of apprenticeship.

By October, as a result of my experiences in attempting to get back on my own track, I came to the realization that although I'd been exploring options to discover whatever was next for me, I was still using the same filters as before. In other words, I had let my own habitual thinking and processing get in the way of my exploration, and this was actually limiting my options.

Consciously Questioning

So I decided it was time to reconsider *everything*. It was time to question each habitual action, belief, thinking process, decision, and to reaffirm it, modify it or replace it.  I decided to take each moment and simply do what needed to be done based on what was in front of me at that time, and to observe what arose.

To say it's been interesting and educational would be an understatement! Perhaps the most profound result for me has been an increasing clarity surrounding my own life purpose. This in turn has led me to new processes and insights in developing career and life strategies.  If you decide to stay with me, you will hear more about these as the year progresses, and you will be invited to participate as I develop some of them further.

De-cluttering My Life and Mind

During this time I've recognized the need to de-clutter all the areas of my life which no longer serve me – a reflection of my desire to get back to the essence of what is important and empowering and to eliminate the distractions. I've written about this in the past, of course, and you're sure to hear more about this soon.

As a result, I will be utilizing ebay, craigslist, freecycle and the local thrift stores to help me move out the physical items I no longer need or want.

I've also begun removing myself from several of the email newslists currently cluttering my mailbox.

Completing Your Past and Moving into Your Future

This time of year most people go through the process of creating lists of resolutions for things they want to change. I don't often write resolutions, but I do like to do my own strategic planning around the time of my birthday – which in essence is the beginning of my own personal New Year.

There's power in completing tasks and projects. When we have incomplete items in our lives they require time and attention that could be better spent on activities that move us towards our current goals.  That is especially true for activities and projects that have become irrelevant and outdated, but which we haven't yet released.

Each year around this time I send my coaching clients a list of questions designed to help them assess how far they've come in the prior year and consider where they want to go in the next year. Most clients find the questions a useful start for creating their new plans.

If you would like a copy of the questions, simply click on this link and you will be able to download it.  No obligations, no opt-in, my gift to you for the new year.

Here's to a prosperous decade, beginning with the coming year.

A Change of Plans

This past summer I embarked on a new endeavor as an apprentice to Janine Driver, a body language expert.  Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was never able to actually participate in the apprenticeship program so I withdrew from it.

As a result I took time off from my intended endeavors to re-evaluate where I was headed and what I wanted to do with my time and my life. You will be hearing more about this in the future.

In the meantime, I've been spending time developing new lines of jewelry as I take the time to rediscover what inspires me. You can see some of what I've been doing at my jewelry website,

Building Lasting Relationships

What an amazing weekend!  Wow is about all I can say!  If you are not taking advantage of the training and networking opportunities that come your way, you are missing out–big time.

During this past weekend I attended 2 workshop/events in Los Angeles.  This required me to drive close to 1300 miles, leaving from my 57 degree coastal home all the way down through the 114 degree desert.  But it was worth every moment!!

The content at “How to Sell When No One is Buying” (based on the book of the same name) was first class – including information about keeping your website and information on the technological cutting edge with Dr.Rachna Jain (@rachnajain on twitter) and how your Body Language can hurt or help you with Janine Driver (@LyinTamer).  And that’s AFTER the solid information Dave Lakhani (@DaveLakhani) shared about how to get to and stay at the top of your selling game.

I am a member of Dave’s 100 Friends, a group he’s put together to help  provide training and assistance to some of the hardest hit areas in the U.S.    Dave’s Kick Start America program will be going live within the next 90 days.  You can find out more about Dave’s program by clicking on the link.

By the way, don’t fool yourself – every one of us sells – every single day. We just call it something different, but we’re continually selling ourselves, our ideas, beliefs and point of view.

For me, additional value came in the form of strengthening of existing relationships and the forging of new ones. I was fortunate to meet in person several people I follow online on Twitter, and to make new friendships while I was there.

I was able to further a few ideas I have by setting up Joint Ventures, partnerships, agreements.  I provided testimonials for a couple of my business associates and received tips and testimonials that support the work I do also.

Perhaps more important to me, I had the honor to be accepted as an apprentice to Janine Driver, the NBC Today Show’s Body Language Expert.

I will be working with Janine over the next 12 months, becoming trained by her and her personal mentors.  Not only will I learn valuable business and personal skills by becoming a Body Language Expert, I’ll end up being one of her trainers at her Body Language Institute.

Now if you haven’t seen Janine, you’ve really missed out! She is funny, intense, extremely smart and infinitely cute. She worked with the Justice Department’s ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), training investigators and tracking armed skinheads. She retired a few years ago to do her “own thing” and has never looked back.  Here’s a video that will give you an idea of what she’s like:

You can find out more about Janine on her website, and if you’re lucky, you can see Janine live on the Today Show this Thursday.

Oh, and I haven’t even said anything about Joel Bauers Passion2Profit weekend, which was totally AMAZING in terms of the value received for the price paid!  But you’ll start seeing the results of that one over the next few months.

So, the key is to pay attention to what is being offered in your niche or specialty area, and to make sure you continue to develop your expertise and relationships by attending events that give you an advantage.

You will be amazed by how much more quickly you manifest your results when you focus your attention on building relationships.