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A Limited Time Opportunity

At the end of December I permanently left the corporate employment world. After three and a half years of being a “wage slave” working for someone else, I am once again working strictly on my own terms.

Over the next 6 months I will be bringing together several ideas and developing my new strategic vision about what is next. It will be a mix of what I’ve done before along with several new ideas.

Since returning from a fabulous Caribbean cruise at the end of January, I’ve been busy noticing where my current interests have been leading me and planning what’s next. I’ll be re-establishing my virtual women’s network (in a slightly different format) and moving the Career Life Institute into a virtual training site.

I have several interesting and highly talented people developing curriculum for CLI, and I think you’ll be as pleased as I am about how it all works out!

One of the things I’ve missed the most over the past few years has been coaching. And I have recently acquired several clients who are intent on developing their career or business plans.  So, I decided to take on a limited number of new coaching clients.

I am limiting the number of individual clients to 4 because I have so many other projects going on, and I want to make sure I have quality time with each person.  However, I am offering these limited slots at half of my normal $400/month rate for the first three months. That means if I decide to work with you, you will only pay $200/month for the first 3 months. Depending on what you want to work on, 3 months may be all you need.

I will also be inviting a limited number of people to train with me in my personal mastermind group, but more about that next month.

If you’re looking for clarity for yourself or your ideas, if you’re ready to create a plan and put it into practice, or if you feel like it’s time to jumpstart your success, send me an email at and I will schedule a complimentary 20 minute strategy session for us within the next two weeks.

This complimentary strategy session offer is only available to the first 15 people, so send your email as soon as you can.

2008 certainly was an interesting year – email me today and lets make 2009 an interesting as well as successful year.

What Do You Have Planned For 2009?

2009 is right around the corner…in fact it’s only 2 days away.

Some of you will be thinking about New Year’s resolutions and some will just be glad to have made it through this tumultuous year!

In years past I have offered a year end process to help you close out last year and get ready for the next.  This year, however, I was introduced to a new concept by Mari Smith – an “online” friend I met through Twitter. Mari likes to choose a specific theme each year which guides her major decisions.

This idea resonated with me as soon as I heard it.  Instead of thinking about resolutions, which are really only a to-do list (and often a negative one at that), choosing a “theme” is like having a vision for the year.  It is a much larger view of what you are interested in and capable of being and doing.

A theme will help guide you as opportunities come up.  It can help you stay on track or eliminate distractions that prevent you from achieving what is most important to you.  It can help you find new endeavors worthy of your time and energy.

If you had to choose a theme for the next year of your life, what would it be?

For me, I decided that due to the many shifts and changes in my life, I am choosing 2009 to be the year I fully embrace my role as Creative Catalyst.  This is the year I explore the many ways my gift fits into the world and fulfills the contribution that is solely mine to make.  Since I am finally in a unique position to choose what I do for the love of it (rather than just for the money), I get to define and refine the expression of that gift and to choose the method of compensation – whether it’s financial, emotional, internal or external.

As a Creative Catalyst I am essential to the process of change, but not to the result itself.  That leaves my clients free to explore, expand and more fully develop their own magnificent results without feeling that I have to hang around for the changes to be effective or lasting.

Right now I’m not sure what form my new endeavors will take.  In fact, since I’m now “footloose and fancy free” again, I decided to make a full shift from what I’ve been doing the past few years, and Hubby and I will be leaving right after the first of the year for three weeks of warm water vacation in Florida and the Caribbean.

During that time I will be bringing together several ideas and developing my own strategic vision about what is next.

When I return at the end of January I’ll be taking on a limited number of new coaching clients, as well as focusing on several new and exciting projects.

If you’re looking for clarity for yourself or your ideas, if you’re ready to create a plan and put it into practice, or if you feel like it’s time to jumpstart your success, send me an email at and I will schedule a complimentary 20 minute strategy session for late January or early February.  This offer is only available to the first 15 people, so send your email as soon as you can.

2008 certainly has been an interesting year – email me today and lets make 2009 an interesting as well as successful year.

23 Squidoo ???? A Way to Focus Interest

In the past few days I’ve been playing with Squidoo – a site that lets you create one page mini-sites.  Each one is called a “lens” because it focuses on specific information related to topics of your interest.

There are pre-formatted templates and modules that make the process easier than having to understand about html or css, but you can still use simple html if you want.

Anyway, I decided to put up a series of career-related sites (lenses) that focus on the individual issues that make up any job hunt or career transition.

As I got started, I found my ideas growing and the natural linkage starting to unfold.  So I started “reserving” names that I knew I would want for this series.

Well, even before I finished my first lens, I already had 12 or 15 names started!  By the time I published that first lens, I was already developing a second one that was linked to the first.  By the end of the evening, I had 2 completed lenses and literally 23 names reserved.

Now, luckily, once you start the process, with a little planning you can get a decent lens up in about 30-60 minutes, provided you have already done most of your research.  By being a bit more organized, you could probably get the process down to 15-30 minutes for a simple lens.  I expect the next few to go a lot more quickly since I already have much of the information I will need.

I can tell you that the process itself is SOOO much easier than designing a website, and almost as easy as writing a blog.  There are some add-on modules, so you need to decide exactly what you want to include, but you don’t have to know any kind of code to get your lens published.  It’s really easy to update your published lenses, and when you do, there is a built in feature allowing you to notify folks on your social networks such as Twitter.

And, I hear that Google loves Squidoo, so that means your pages get indexed relatively quickly.  Now this is very good news, because if you use the site properly, it could be a great way to drive more traffic to your own business site, or to your affiliate program or product through the linking capability.

Unlike Wikipedia, Squidoo encourages you to also put up pages (lenses) that “toot your own horn”.  What better way to showcase your talents and abilities for prospective employers?  It would be a quick and easy way to use your lens as an online resume that is easily upgradeable as things change.

On the other hand, it’s wise to remember the WWW is public, so be careful about what you link to your name since it also means that anyone looking for you could track just about anything you are linked to.  I keep thinking about the job applicant who included her myspace link on her resume.  Unfortunately the myspace page included a totally job-inappropriate youtube video the applicant had posted about herself.  The prospective employer was negatively impressed.  Not a wise career move.

I’ve been thinking it would be fun to do a site memorializing each of my parents (both of whom are now gone) and let my brothers and sisters add their memories and photos to them, too.  That way the extended family can contribute, and there will be something for the grandkids to see – kind of an online scrapbook.

There are so many creative ways to use Squidoo – and there are lots of lenses designed to give you ideas on how to create whatever you want.

My New Squidoo Lenses

The first lens I created is Interview Success Secrets.  It discusses some of the things you need to do in order to be successful in a job interview.

The second lens identifies things you need to consider as you schedule Informational Interviews.  I have another lens planned for Interview Questions, including how to handle difficult questions and which questions are illegal for an interviewer to ask.

Then, of course, there will be lenses focusing on Resumes, Cover Letters, Post-Interview Followup and other items that relate to job hunting.  As I said, the names are reserved, now I just have to find the time – LOL.

And, I’ll be updating the lenses periodically, so if you’re interested in keeping track of the new ones and the updates, follow my BizLifeCoachKD twitter account.

What’s Next For Me

Because of other commitments, for the past five years or so the Career Life Institute has been on hold. I was forced to consolidate many of my activities due to time constraints.  My commitments will be up in December, so in the next few months I will be evaluating my next steps as I create my new vision and strategic plans.

As one of the ways to manage the limited time that I had, until recently I have been using two main Twitter accounts – a general one under my own name, and one that is specifically related to my dichroic glass jewelry business (I make kiln-fired glass jewelry in my “spare” time-it’s my creative outlet).

Because of the specific focus of these new Squidoo lenses, I have added a separate Twitter account that focuses on career and business issues (that’s the BizLifeCoachKD one).  That one will be strictly for updates, including the lenses and this blog.

You are welcome to follow me on Twitter in any way that appeals to you (or not to if that’s your desire, too!).  I will continue to let you know about new blog entries through the mailing list.

(By the way, for those of you who have not yet heard about Twitter – it is a “microblogging” service that allows you to follow mini-messages limited to 140 characters each for people that you are interested in.  I love it – it lets me keep up with my friends, and has been fantastic in terms of finding out about new resources!  See a previous blog to find out more.)

Thanks for following, and please feel free to leave comments!



Life is a Journey to Be Enjoyed!

Earlier this week we had to take a trip to Sacramento for personal business reasons.

We took advantage of the trip to visit grandkids on the way down, lunch with an old friend in Sacramento, and stop overnight in Calistoga for the hot tubs on the way back.

After soaking in the morning, we took a leisurely drive through the Napa and Alexander Valleys, wine-tasting our way home.

The weather cooperated and it was a pleasant late fall afternoon.  It was a lot of fun to take our time, visiting some of our favorite wineries and picking up some very nice wines at some great prices!

We stopped at Fieldstone

Fieldstone Winery – Hwy 128 – Alexander Valley (between Napa and Sonoma Valleys)

White Oak Winery – where I got a good deal on a case of Sauvignon Blanc.

White Oak Winery – Hwy 128 – Alexander Valley

Hanna Winery – which is always lovely, has great wine, nice artwork and entertaining staff. And where I tasted the first Chardonnay in a really long time that I truly enjoyed.  At $42 a bottle, though, I decided to pass it up this time since I didn’t think it was twice as good as the $23 bottle I had bought the day before at Sequoia Grove.

View from Hanna Winery – Hwy 128 – Alexander Valley

Sausal (known for their Zinfindels) and Mosaic Winery – where there was a great sale going on so we picked up a case of red and a case of white!

We even stopped for a late lunch at a cute little place called Jimtown which had antique toys on display in the back.  They had a great butternut squash and ginger soup which we split along with a turkey panini – just perfect for the fall afternoon.

We were lucky that it didn’t rain until we got to Ukiah, and then there was a light rain all the way back home.

What was so great was that we took a sorta business trip and made it a lot of fun.  Hubby and I agreed that this was a great way to travel – breaking it up into fun little parcels that turned the whole thing into an adventure.

Not only did we take care of most of the business that was the reason for the trip in the first place, we had fun on either side of it. Or perhaps, we had a fun trip with a little bit of business squeezed into the middle of it.  Either way, the secret to a great life is to enjoy whatever you are doing and this was one time when it was easy to be successful!