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Protect Yourself with Adequate Boundaries

As a sole proprietor (well, in my case I have a partnership, but it's still nearly the same) it's vitally important to remember that without YOU, the business doesn't exist. The most important thing you can do for your business is to take care of yourself. It's harder for women because traditionally we're used to taking care of everyone else, first.

So I'm issuing a challenge to all of us: set really good boundaries regarding your work. These can be boundaries about what kinds of work you'll accept, the deadlines you're willing to work under, the expectations others have of you, or simply, how long your workday is. I don't have to tell you where you need to place them – you already know that!!

Boundaries are a simple and powerful way to honor the quality of what we bring to life, and ultimately, what we bring to the workplace, and they help insure we don't end up getting "burnt-out" because of the overwhelming requirements we've taken on. The really interesting thing about boundaries is that we're the only ones who can set, enforce and protect them. Expecting others to understand or honor them requires that we do, too.

Most of us think we have to "power through" on the deadlines, forgetting about lunch, breaks, or sometimes, about sleep. Believe me, the work will still be there waiting for you, regardless of whether you take a break or not.

I've finally begun to really understand how important time away is. I still work many more hours than I thought I would as a small business person (of course I used to work that many hours in corporate, too), but now I make sure that I "close up shop" so to speak at or before 6:30 when my husband comes home from work.

And I've begun to take weekends off, too. In fact, I'm experimenting with half-to-full day Fridays off to compensate for having to teach classes in the evenings. It's fun, and in the past month I've been able to finish a quilt for our new grandchild due in February. Taking this time has given me the chance to finish something that's important to me, my daughter and the new baby. And I've had time to recharge my batteries. What I always notice when I take those breaks from work is that I'm so much more refreshed when I pick up the work again. My creativity comes back, along with my sense of humor!!

I read an alarming statistic not long ago that indicated heart disease, traditionally a "man's" ailment, is on the rise in women. I think that's because we're all facing the same kinds of stresses now that men always faced in the working world. Plus, most of us have even LARGER loads because of our own traditional roles as women. And those of us who work alone don't even have someone to talk about it with!!

So let's be smarter, and learn to be very firm about how and where we set our boundaries. In fact, to be REALLY radical, make your boundary three times bigger than you think you need. That way you'll have a lot more room for the unexpected that always seems to crop up. And be firm about "educating" your environment about exactly where those boundaries begin. A boundary helps to protect the Self in a way that nothing else can. When you set your boundaries out far enough, you have plenty of time to ACT rather than just REACT. You protect yourself and the other person, too.

I have a CPA friend who works from home. When she's working on a project, she puts a money clip on the bulletin board outside her office so that her husband, who also works from home, understands that she's unavailable for chitchat during that time. When the money clip has been moved to inside the office, he can come talk with her about whatever he thinks is important. A creative boundary that supports them both!!

In many of my previous jobs, my downfall was not allowing enough room (time, money, flexibility) for the emergencies. When we set our boundaries and honor ourselves by sticking to them, the "crisis-management" decreases and we stop feeling so jammed up. And when we feel more relaxed about ourselves, it's so much easier to share that wonderful creative spark that's uniquely our own. As women, that sense of contribution is important, so honor yourself, set firm boundaries, and let that spark be more available.

© 1999 Katie Darden 

Creating a Magical Journal

Most girls begin some form of journaling during the tumultuous teenage years. And for many, their best friend truly was their diary – it was there when they had boy problems, it didn’t gossip on them, it listened when Mom and Dad and the whole world didn’t understand. At that time, too, keeping it secret from prying eyes was no small feat when little brother was as persistent as glue!

Many of us may have set the diary aside as we found the world requiring more and more of our energy. The good news is that a journal can still be your best friend and confidant, there when you most need to explore the questions that inevitably come up.

At a recent “Creating a Magical Journal” class I asked the group, “Why journal?” Their answers covered a wide range of personal exploration, and included:

  • to chronicle progress and goals;
  • to find out “Who am I?” and “What do I want, like, feel…?”;
  • to describe beauty/pain/what I see;
  • sharing/communicating;
  • to tap into my inner wisdom;
  • to express emotions;
  • clarification for the conscious/subconscious mind;
  • dreamwork;
  • questioning;
  • creating structure;
  • recording wisdom/ideas;
  • to process difficulties.

While most of us think of the journal as a place to write things down, it can also become a magical place to explore many different options as we take the time to create a journal that reflects who we are. The first step, as always, is being willing to step outside the box that we believe defines us.

A very simple way to do this is to expand the tools you use in recording your thoughts and ideas. Incorporating colored pens and pencils into the journal process gives your mind the excuse to begin playing more – remember when we were only 5 and the whole world of possibility was there in our box of crayons? Try writing (or printing) in your journal with a crayon – you’ll get a whole different sense of what you’re doing.

Another simple step is to use those wonderful pictures that come in the magazines we get each month. When you’re finished with the magazine, go through it and cut out the pictures that inspire or delight you. You can create a collage for your journal cover, illustrate a specific issue, or (my favorite) you can simply glue them into your journal in random places. When you get to that page of writing, ask yourself how the picture that’s there relates to what you are expressing. You will be surprised by how that can create a new avenue of ideas.

A friend and teacher once told me, “A life worth living is a life worth recording.” Whether you are using your journal for your own dialogue, as a record for your children and grandchildren, or as a place to develop the ideas and answers that support you in the world, your journal is truly as sacred as the spirit of your life. Be flexible, be creative, be adventurous, and be sure to enjoy the process!

© 1998 Katie Darden, Career Life Institute

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vibration of Abundance

Your prosperity is directly related to the flow of energy in your environment. Clutter creates stagnant energy flow and prevents abundance from flowing to you.

Clutter is anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, tolerated or disorganized. Clutter is emotional constipation!

Letting go of something that no longer makes your heart sing, can mean letting go of a person, or something no longer relevant in your life. It can be part of a process of grieving, enabling you to move into your present and future.

Everyone has their own patterns of attracting abundance and blocking it. Do you recognize any of these?

  1. Physical Clutter – Clutter is dead, stagnant energy and will block the flow of energy in your life. The energy that flows around your home and office is like a river, bringing abundance and fortunate blessings in all areas of your life. When it comes across a pile or something you are tolerating it will get bogged down.

    Ask yourself: Do I love it? Do I use it? Does it make my heart sing?

  2. Purchasing clutter – If you make purchases when feeling angry, sad, stressed, fearful etc. you’re spending money to suppress those feelings rather than feeling them and letting them go. This means emotional energy will attach itself to the item and you will experience its vibration, even on an unconscious level whenever you look at, wear or use the item.

    These items will not make your heart sing and will not support your prosperity.

    Are you ready to let them go?
    Are you ready to become a conscious shopper?

  3. Growth creates clutter – As you make changes within yourself, more of your belongings will fit the definition of clutter. Having the urge to discard things in your home or office is a sign of you stepping more fully into yourself and your abundance.

    If you don't address the clutter, it will hold you where you were. If you are growing and changing you are continually creating clutter!

  4. Unconscious clutter – Do you have beliefs that create conflict? Do you think you can't be wealthy AND care about people? Do you think you can't be successful working 4 days a week? These beliefs will be affecting your prosperity. Take time to re-examine them.

  5. Clutter Vibration – everything has a vibration. If you have a feeling of not enough time, money or love in your life, it sets up a vibration that will block abundance. And, focusing on the fear of not having enough time or money draws more of that to you. On the other hand, the vibration of gratitude is the same as the vibration of abundance.

    Create an attitude of gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal and each night before you go to sleep write down 5 things you are grateful for today. Focusing on gratitude rather than lack is one of the most powerful things you can do to attract the abundance vibration.

  6. Language Clutter – The word 'want' means to desire without having! When you say you want something you are resonating with the vibration of lack, rather than flowing with the vibration of abundance. You are also complaining, at a subtle level. The Universe responds to requests, not complaints. Try using the words 'choose' or 'desire' – they may sound strange at first, but it's worth it to create a flow of energy.

  7. Does your prosperity area feel abundant? Ask yourself, what do I currently own that represents abundance to me now? Once you have cleaned and cleared the clutter from your prosperity area, place this object there to create the vibration you choose to attract.

    To discover where the prosperity area of your home or a room is, See my website.

  8. Try this game. Place a bowl or container you love in the prosperity area of your home or a room. Each day, take a coin, give thanks for the abundance you already have, and the abundance coming to you and place the coin in the bowl. The increasing coins represent your increasing abundance.

    At some point when it feels right and the bowl is nearing full, make a decision about what to do with that money and start over. This will work best once you have cleared the clutter and cleaned the area. And remember, what you focus on expands.

    Clearing clutter is an important part of Feng Shui. Before you can create something new you need to make space for it. The changes you make in your environment are mirrored in your life and support you in making emotional shifts. Feng Shui can provide a welcome boost in living the life you want.

    © 2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

Spontaneous Fun

We've been programmed to believe that fun is just for kids. Remember when you were young and you just played and had fun. You might have done silly things and just laughed and laughed. So, when was the last time you laughed like that?

When we get older we tend to take everything more seriously and lose our sense of fun and adventure. We often take ourselves so seriously that we become engulfed in our own issues. We even forget to look outside to notice what is happening. We worry about "using" our time well. It's given us a schizophrenic approach to leisure and fun. Can we have fun without feeling guilty? Guilt seems to be such a part of our lives and it is now creeping into our leisure play. Some suggestions for having fun might include: setting specific time aside each day for just play, turn off the TV and go outside, meet a neighbor, ride a bike, break your usual routine and get out or the box you put yourself in. Bring in fun as part of your day.

I lead trips to the Big Island of Hawaii several times a year for adventure and fun. Now, believe me I can make this a very serious job. However, usually by day three we have moved to Plan F on the schedule and I'm wondering what to do next. Actually, I think it is very hard not to have fun in paradise. Yes, it is a state of mind. I think to some degree fun is about 'letting go" of preconceived ideas to notice what is available right now.

Let's just get on and live life. Maybe somewhere on your journey you might make a difference to your family, your business partners, and your overall sense of well being. It seems our choices are–staying just as we are…or surprising ourselves and having more fun.

Smile and laugh just a little more! Ask some older, perhaps wiser person you know, "What advice do you have about life?" You might just hear, "Have fun and enjoy life while you can!"

© 1995 Heidi Stromberg