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FELIX THE FLYING FROG – A Parable About Modern Management

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Clarence who had a pet frog named Felix. Clarence lived a modestly comfortable existence on what he earned working at the Wal-Mart, but he always dreamed of being rich.

"Felix!" he said one day, hit by sudden inspiration, "We're going to be rich! I will teach you to fly!"

Felix, of course, was terrified at the prospect. "I can't fly, you twit! I'm a frog, not a canary!"

Clarence, disappointed at the initial response, told Felix: "That negative attitude of yours could be a real problem. I'm sending you to class." So Felix went to a three-day course and learned about problem solving, time management, and effective communication — but nothing about flying.

On the first day of the "flying lessons," Clarence could barely control his excitement. Clarence explained that their apartment building had 15 floors, and each day Felix would jump out of a window, starting with the first floor and eventually getting to the top floor.

After each jump, Felix would analyze how well he flew, isolate the most effective flying techniques, and implement the improved process for the next flight. By the time they reached the top floor, Felix would surely be able to fly.

Felix pleaded for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. "He just doesn't understand how important this is," thought Clarence. "He can't see the big picture."

So, with that, Clarence opened the window and threw Felix out. He landed with a thud.

The next day, poised for his second flying lesson, Felix again begged not to be thrown out of the window. Clarence opened his pocket guide to "Managing More Effectively," and showed Felix the part about how one must always expect resistance when introducing new, innovative programs.

With that, he threw Felix out the window — THUD!

On the third day (at the third floor), Felix tried a different ploy: stalling. He asked for a delay in the "project" until better weather would make flying conditions more favorable.

But Clarence was ready for him: He produced a timeline and pointed to the third Milestone and asked. "You don't want to slip up the schedule, do you?"

From his training, Felix knew that not jumping today would only mean that he would have to jump TWICE tomorrow. So he just muttered, "OK, yeeha, let's go." And out the window he went.

Now this is not to say that Felix wasn't trying his best. On the fifth day he flapped his legs madly in a vain attempt at flying. On the sixth day, he tied a small red cape around his neck and tried to think "Superman" thoughts.

It didn't help.

By the seventh day, Felix, accepting his fate, no longer begged for mercy. He simply looked at Clarence and said, "You know you're killing me, don't you?"

Clarence pointed out that Felix's performance so far had been less than exemplary, failing to meet any of the milestone goals he had set for him. With that, Felix said quietly, "Shut up and open the window," and he leaped out, taking careful aim at the large jagged rock by the corner of the building.

And Felix went to that great lily pad in the sky.

Clarence was extremely upset, as his project had failed to meet a single objective that he had set out to accomplish. Felix had not only failed to fly, he hadn't even learned to steer his fall as he dropped like a sack of cement, nor had he heeded Clarence's advice to "Fall smarter, not harder."

The only thing left for Clarence to do was to analyze the process and try to determine where it had gone wrong.

After much thought, Clarence smiled and said… "Next time, I'm getting a smarter frog!"

____________Notes: Manager as Coach_______________
While there are many potential solutions to existing challenges, it's vitally important to create true dialogue with your employees, clients, customers. Using a traditional or standardized approach sometimes misses the obvious. When we're willing to hear feedback from the people who are most personally involved, they often have solutions and will share insight that we, in our desire to "create results," might otherwise miss. So ask yourself, how good is your "listening reflex?"

Creatively Closing the Sale

"It's important to realize that even when someone is demanding and rude or distracted and hard to read, you can work creatively to close the sale, and still enjoy at least something about meeting that person," emphasizes Jeanne Winkle, a national sales trainer who is enthusiastically launching her new training company, Tough 'n Tender Training and Development.

Jeanne has developed a unique, professional and successful approach to closing a sale that she is presenting across the country. Many people only see the "tough side of a sale," and see "sales" as a scary word. "It conjures up the image of the fast-talking, arm-twisting salesman for some. For others, 'sales' symbolizes a life of cold calls constant rejection, and the fear of not being able to 'make it'," according to Jeanne. Some people think they could never sell for a living—much less enjoy it.

Jeanne has been involved in selling at some level all of her professional life. She recognizes that selling is at the heart of every business—selling ideas, selling one's abilities and selling products or services.

There are five "E's" for Excellence recommended for a successful sales person, Jeanne says.

Enjoy Yourself
Enjoy Your prospect
Educate. Be sensitive
Educate. Really listen
Educate. Close

To successfully close a sale, it is important for you to look beyond the "obvious," look underneath for a prospect's real needs. Get to know your customers and clients in the process of making a sale, and be flexible in your approach.

Every person you work with is different and might require a different approach. Some of your customers want to be in complete control, others just want to have all the information in the most precise way so they can make up their own minds. You always want to emphasize the benefits to prospective customer/client and be sure you know more than they do about your product.

These are just a few of the tips Jeanne shares in her sales presentation, "Sell 'em Tough 'n Tender." She has just released a new 108-minute educational video and audio tape workshop on Closing a Sale using her humorous, soft sell approach.

© 1994 Gabrielle Parkinson

For more information on training sessions and the video and audio tape materials, call Jeanne at (707) 442-4649.

Create Reserves That Support You

NOTE:  This article was originally written in 1999. It is still relevant today. 

With Y2K looming, several groups encouraged us to have reserves of food and water available. Of course here on the Northern Coast of California we all know very well the importance of emergency supplies for power outages and earthquakes.

But how many of us have reserves in other parts of our lives? I sometimes buy the 4-pack so I have extras, and when I used to travel a lot, I had a full set of personal toiletries always ready to go. A couple of years ago I discovered the hard way that I need to always keep at least one extra month's supply of my vitamins – the supplier ran out and there was none to be had for a full month.

Well, how about in our careers and work life? Do you have an extra set of clothes ready in case you spill your morning coffee?? How about an extra set of car keys in case you misplace the ones you usually use? Do you fill your tank up with gasoline when it gets to half-empty? (I learned about that one with the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake that took out all the power in the Bay Area and my only vehicle was on empty!!)

How about work – do you make back-ups of your important files on a regular basis? Just think about how much of your daily work you would like to have to recreate, and that'll tell you how often to back-up your computer files. Do you start each day with a basic plan so you know how much time you have available for each project? Do you build in time (every day) for emergency interruptions? You know they're going to happen. Do you have extra vacation and/or sick leave built up in case you need to take it? Are you putting money away for retirement?

And do you allow yourself enough time to finish projects so you are not rushed at the end? One of the keys to making sure your "customer" is satisfied is to under-promise and over-deliver.

How do you do that? When taking on a project, build in a cushion of time. While it's true that you might be able to complete a task or project in a day or a week (if everything goes right), we all know about the unexpected things that happen – the fire in the building (that was us!!), the key person whose son gets ill and is unavailable for 3 days, the computer that crashes or locks up and won't let you finish, the materials that came in late.

By allowing extra time, we have room for the unexpected to simply be an inconvenience rather than a catastrophe. Because we've built in extra time, we are in a better position to discover another way to finish the project or resolve the situation.

And if we finish early, we get to be heroes!! How did you feel the last time someone told you they'd have something to you within a week, but you actually got it two weeks later? How differently would you have felt if they told you it would take three weeks and then you received it a week early? It's the same time frame, but the perception is very different.

There are many places in our lives where a reserve would reduce worry, provide more satisfaction, make life easier and let us feel more powerful. As you identify those areas, begin to take the steps to build that reserve for yourself. You don't have to do everything at once, just start somewhere. And notice how much it adds to your sense of wellbeing in the world when you realize you don't have to worry about things because you are prepared.

© 1999-2010 Katie Darden

Completing the Year

As we move into each new year, it's smart to recognize who, what and where we've been. In our personal lives, as well as our careers, taking time to recognize and appreciate our personal foundation lets us continue to create goals in alignment with our vision for the future.

Here are some great questions you can use to:

  • remind you of what you've accomplished
  • recognize things that you have completed
  • create completion on things yet undone
  • recognize what you'd rather not 'do' anymore!
  • re-evaluate the vision of what you desire/want

We encourage you to play big here, jump in and have fun doing this…get some real answers and enjoy the process along the way.

Ready to play?

____________Completing This Year______________

  1. Think about what you created this year. Which have given you satisfaction and joy? Which ones didn't turn out the way you wanted? Which would you like to change?


  2. Now think about what have you completed (accomplished) this year. As you identify what you've completed, ask yourself what did you learn as a result? And how has that increased or solidified your foundation?

  3. Is there anything that is incomplete for which you would like completion? What will it take to be complete, finished, over?

  4. Now ask yourself, what are you through learning – that you don't ever have to learn again? And how has that added to your foundational strength?

    __________Moving into the New Year___________

  5. Now, think about who and where you are today. What do you want to create in the next year? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to start?

  6. What do you want to complete (from 1999 – or earlier!!) and what are you finally ready to let go of once and for all?

  7. And finally, as you think about the next year, who do you need to become in order to have your life be exactly the way you want?

The most important step to creating the life you love is clarity – about who you are and what you want. Who you become creates the environment for having what you want. And remember, this as a work in progress, rather than a finished piece (just like life!!).

You can start whenever you'd like.Personally, I like to take stock each year on my birthday, rather than on December 31. It is the beginning of my Personal New Year. Many businesses use April 1 or July 1 as the beginning of their new year.

What matters is that you take stock and chose the path that takes you where you want to go.

© 1999-2006, Katie Darden

Thanks to Business and Personal Coach, Alison Hendren ( for suggesting this process and providing some foundational questions that led to this article.