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Clearing Out Your Mental Attic

While many people have been busy creating their New Years resolutions, this year I find myself doing exactly the opposite. For the past few months I have been clearing out the physical stuff and clutter I've accumulated in my life and my home. I've taken books to the used bookstore, clothing and bedding to the local shelter, given my daughter all those things I've saved for her over the years, and thrown out things I just never got around to fixing or repairing.

Along the way, something interesting happened. As I began to get more room in my own life, I discovered a freshness to my thinking. And as I thought about this more, I began to wonder how much mental clutter I was carrying around.

Just as carrying around a backpack full of books takes a certain amount of energy, the same is true when we carry around old thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Scientists have found that ideas have a kind of weight or pressure. And all thoughts require energy to maintain.

We are most creative, loving and responsive when we're in the moment. If we're thinking about what we should have said, what we haven't finished, or worrying about what we're supposed to do tomorrow, it's almost impossible to be available for what's happening in our lives right now. When we're worrying or upset about something that happened at work, we're too distracted to really be with our family or friends.

What was that dream or idea you had when you were in high school or college that you now realize you're never going to accomplish? How about that promise you've been making for the last five years that you never get around to starting? Or that great idea you started working on a few years ago that got stuck so you put it away "temporarily"? Or that belief you adopted as you looked at the world from 5 or 12 or 17 year-old eyes? Every one of these requires attention on some level of consciousness. And that means energy that's being taken away from the present. Maybe it's time to give ourselves a break and let go of some of those old ideas that we've been dragging around.

When I was a child I wanted to be a school teacher. Due to circumstances, I was unable to complete college, even though I kept at it for several years. At some point I realized I was probably not going to finish college, and therefore, would probably never be a school teacher, so I reluctantly decided to let that dream go. Imagine my surprise a couple of years later when I realized I had actually fulfilled my original intent: I had become a trainer for the State of California, and although I wasn't teaching children, I was actually getting paid a lot more to teach adults. Letting go of the original dream allowed me to follow the opportunities present in my life, and my love of sharing ideas resurfaced in a different (and much more satisfying) way.

Now I've never been one to write New Year's resolutions. I think it's valuable to review periodically where I am and what I'm up to, but for me that's an ongoing process. I especially like to do this around my birthday, when my personal "New Year" starts.

So this year, instead of adding more obligations to my life, I decided to purposely examine and let go of the "unfinished projects" and outdated beliefs cluttering up my mental attic. Just like a too-small sweater, some I can simply look at and know they no longer fit (like I'm never going to be a professional dancer). Some I need to examine a little more closely to see if they fit my current lifestyle, direction, needs and wants. And the ones in the trunk by the window? Who knows, they could be full of moth holes, or end up being the perfect compliment to what I'm doing right now. But first I need to examine them to find out.

What about the ones that we feel obligated to hold on to? Well, dust them off and take a good look. If they still "fit", then bring them back out into the light of day and use them. If they don't, and you're uncomfortable simply tossing them, ask yourself, what do I need to change about them, or what do they need in order to be complete? Even a commitment you made can be renegotiated, so ask yourself honestly what's the cost to continue dragging around something that's lost its usefulness? If it's a weight and an obligation, take care of it and free up that energy!!

The quickest way to energize yourself is by first giving away or releasing the old ideas that no longer serve you. This creates the room for you to expore new ideas and opportunities through classes, books, and people. Ask yourself if the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and ideas you are carrying around energize you or feel like a burden. If they're a burden, get rid of them!! Don't even worry about changing them – toss them out and you'll have room for ones that support you better.

Remember, as one door closes, another opens. And in our busy lives, even the busiest of us only has room for a certain number of open doors at any one time.

© 1999 Katie Darden

People, Power & Participation – Key Ingredients to Successful Networking

There are three key ingredients for success in any networking opportunity: People, Power and Participation. You know, I just can't help it – I get so excited when a new networking opportunity presents itself!! It's a natural reaction for me – a delightful anticipation seems to overcome me, and inevitably it sweeps me forward to even greater results!

Have you ever noticed how much fun it is when you have a new group of people to connect with?? Especially people who are doing the same things you are? People who are taking the same kinds of risks and being successful in the same ways you envision for your own success? This fall several hundred Directors from National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) member networks all over the U.S.A. will gather for a weekend in Carlsbad, California. They will come together to support each other and share ideas on how to build strong, effective network organizations that empower women to be more successful in the work force. Do you think we'll find new friends as we network at this conference? You bet!! These are my favorite kind of people: strong, dedicated, competent women in business who believe in the power of networking!

And Power is a strong component in any networking situation. Gathering new contacts and creating new referral systems increases the number of people in your network. There is power in numbers, and you'll get your referrals to "critical mass" much sooner when you let your network work for you. When you effectively use your network, you have the opportunity to reach many more people than you could ever realize on your own. Because of the way a networking "web" naturally interconnects, it seems to go on and on, and even when you aren't actively working it, connections are still being made.

Participation is another very important ingredient in every networking opportunity. You increase your impact as well as the potential for new contacts when you actively participate. Whether you volunteer at the Registration Table, provide a presentation for one of the workshops, or have the honor of being a Keynote Speaker, your participation contributes to the collective success of the networking event and you usually get back ten-fold what you put forth.

If you are shy, placing yourself in a position where you are "forced" to interact with others will broaden the number of contacts you might otherwise make. Plus, as a speaker or greeter, there's an automatic perception that what you have to offer is of value (which of course it is!!), and others will naturally come to you to get the information they need. Remember, you always get what you expect, so participate fully with the shared expectation of providing value to others and finding value for yourself!!!

At the upcoming annual NAFE retreat in October 1999, Katie and I will present a workshop on "Marketing Your Network . . . Getting All the P/R You Want." We look forward to this conference as a real treat and a great opportunity to share what has worked so well in Humboldt County. And we'll be there representing all the of you who so wonderfully support women in all phases of business – whether through the activities of the Women Entrepreneurs Institute or through Business Connections. You can count on us to be your ambassadors from the NorthCoast, sharing ideas and bringing back tips to make you even more successful!!

(c) 1999 Gabrielle Parkinson

Developing the Inner Environment for Success

Empowering Vision

What makes success? Intelligent self-management. We are ongoing creation, and as we think, we make our lives. Out of our thoughts we make our lives. Out of our thoughts we unfold our lives, know it or not, like it or not, with success the reward of intelligent self-management.

How do you intelligently manage yourself? Know yourself. If you don't really know yourself-what you want, what matters, your limits and boundaries, choose to do so now. Knowing ourselves is challenging.

We haven't been supported to do so. Rather, we've been taught what to think, what not to think, and especially not how to think for ourselves.

Therefore, we are dysfunctional. We don't respect. We destroy and pretend we aren't, think we're getting away with something, and wonder why we're anxious. Together we create this bizarre even scary world that we must understand and accept as it is to live in it successfully.

The key is to manage yourself. In your relationships, you are ongoing creation. Therefore, understand and manage the creative power of your mind-perception thought and feeling-with the content and quality of your life. Listen to yourself thinking. Hear the quality of your thoughts and the works you use. Feel what these do to you and see how you create your life. This isn't "airy-fairy." It's not woo-woo. It's true.

Understand the power of thought and you're free to create the life you want. Accept what you can't change, and change what you can't accept, as Alcoholics Anonymous, teaches, and be empowered. It's that simple. Be clear, steadfast and patient. This isn't especially spiritual, It's simply good sense for everyone who wants a more fulfilling life.

Self-management is key

Know how to organize and plan. Manage the flow of your intention into activities that make sense and unfold a rewarding and fun life. If you don't know how, learn and do it; or you'll never feel the fulfillment you want.

Go within yourself to determine what is true for you. Think only what is true. Speak only what is true. Back up what you say. Do only what is true. If you resist or feel afraid, get quiet and go within, get right with yourself, and make the appropriate adjustments. You'll know what to do. The answers are within you, and only you know what is right for you. Your are constantly choosing your life, know it or not, like it or not. So it makes good sense to choose only what you feel secure with.

Manage your mind. Understand the creative power of beliefs and thoughts, especially limited ones charged with emotion. Be certain that what guides you also upholds you.

Manage your thoughts. Think only what is true and choose accordingly. Don't indulge in futile, limited, fearful or blaming thoughts. Manage your life by managing your mind. Think only about what you want. Figure out how to get it and think, choose and feel your way to success.

Monitor your thoughts, allowing only accurate, supportive ones. Reject all limiting thoughts. Respect yourself in all you do. Guide your life with clarity and wisdom, understand the basics of success, and vitalize your life with power.

Every system must be carefully organized to provide a strong, reliable base for expansion. Therefore, sequence all your activities wisely, and process details efficiently and on time. Understand how to gain the most, utilizing the least amount of precious time, energy and money. I'm not advocating getting something for nothing, but intelligent self-management. Maintain accurate records, manage your finances, and pay all taxes on time.

In one simple question, define success, then get quiet, close your eyes; visualize how you really want to live, and what you want to change. Be clear and respect yourself in all you do.

Envision what you want. Be specific, set realistic goals, devise a plan, and stay with it until you succeed. Olympic winners do.

Focus on success. Go for what you want. Get support, go for it and give it all you have. Give yourself success. Give yourself nothing less.

Our human population has reached the size, at which the sum of individual dysfunction is powerful enough to create an unprecedented imbalance, imposing consequences we don't like. We can't stop change, nor does it make sense to even try. But we can change the future we're heading for now by changing ourselves and what does not serve, everyday.

Manage your life. Assume that everything has happened to develop you and build your strength. Understand your world.

Assume life is intelligent, and see the value in everything.

How you live is your choice. Whenever you are unhappy with something, change it. Change what doesn't work.

Don't demand others to change, and resist changing yourself. If you expect me to change, without changing, and I am doing the same, no one changes. We're both unhappy and life is bleak. But as more of us consciously create our lives the world will become a better place. A safer place.

To assure change, align with others and exchange support. Create a core team of mutually caring and respectful people who gladly communicate through confusion to clarity. Meet, get real, share your dreams, listen to each other and help each other succeed. Get good at being open with others, and at giving and receiving support to each other and help each other succeed.

Develop a larger community for exchanging support. There is strength in numbers. Share your visions and goals, determine how to support each other, and how to hold each other accountable. Enjoy. Live the life you feel in your heart. Focus on what you want, allow no negative voice to reign, and give yourself ultimate security for a fulfilled life.

Do you have anything better to do?

© 1997, Marianne Weildlein

Career Strategies – 10 Keys for Getting the Job You Want

1. START WITH YOURSELF. . .Not with the Jobs Out There

Take time to honestly look at yourself and your life. Are you moving forward in the career direction you want to go? Is your life working? Are you still challenged and growing professionally and personally? Are you doing something you love doing?


What are your assets and strengths? Take stock of your current credentials, your job skills and expertise, your relationships, your network, your reputation, your track record, and your overall life balance.


Are you clear about what you want in your life? What are some of your lifelong dreams? What are your life values? What do you want to create in the next 5-10 years? Take a holistic approach and look at all areas of your life-career, finances, body/health, spiritual growth, leisure/play, relationships, home environment, & personal & professional growth. Getting clear about what you want and what you value will help you make a smart career move.


Stay open to new challenges and look for new opportunities for you to increase your knowledge and skills. Take responsibility for keeping track of all your successes and achievements-performance appraisals, workshops, presentations, special honors and events, etc. Keep your VITA sheet and resume current.


Do a "clean sweep" in all areas of your life on both an emotional level and a physical level. Become "fully present" and live your life from the present, releasing the past with love and gratitude and honoring the lessons you have learned. Clean out all the clutter and release things you no longer love or need. Simplify, simplify, simplify– in every area of your life.


Find people who are successful in both their careers and their lives who can be models for you. Associate with them and learn from them. You have a choice in who you associate with-professionally and socially. Actively seek role models and mentors who you have a special connection with.


Always stay open to new possibilities. Remember your Career/Life Plan™ will evolve and change as your life unfolds and you progress forward. Take advantage of new information, new resources, new experiences. Keep current in your professional field and stay open.


Once you are clear about what you want to create in your career . . . life, start taking some action. And realize what is naturally flowing to you easily and effortlessly; pay attention to the synchronicity happening in your life. Explore all your options, spend time networking, meeting with people, exploring new resources, and fully utilizing all the support systems readily available to you.


This is the time to reconnect with existing networks of people in your life and a time to reach out to new networks of people you would like to establish relationships with. Look at your areas of interests and areas of intentional growth, and look at ways you can expand your contacts-in your local areas, statewide, nationally and internationally.


Listen to your Intuition and trust your gut level feelings. Have faith in yourself and trust yourself, even when you know deep within what you have to do, and think perhaps that you don't quite know what you are doing. You just know you are in transition and the time is right.

©2000 Gabrielle Parkinson, Career Life Institute

10 Key Strategies for Successful Career Transition These 10 Key Strategies are the basis of our popular and acclaimed eBook Program of the same name. The program includes articles, exercises, RealAudio clips and several unique bonuses, all for the incredibly inexpensive price of $14.95. To find out more about the eBook, or to Order Your Own Copy Today, click here.