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Choices choices choices

By Tracey Rissik

The Universe is guiding me to read/listen to Jim Rohn – I received yet another email with a very interesting quotation from him, this morning:

“What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our
life. Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it
all. Any day we wish, we can open the book that will open our mind
to new knowledge. Any day we wish, we can start a new activity. Any
day we wish, we can start the process of life change. We can do it
immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.

“We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if
the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we
can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labour, entertainment
over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The
choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we
continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed,
“The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves.” We created our
circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the
responsibility to make better choices beginning today.

I’m going through a time of re-thinking my business strategy, finding ways of reaching people en masse, not 1-to-1 as then the limits are on my time – today I choose to spend 2 hours planning around that!

“It’s the cut of your sail not the blowing of the wind that determines your success” Jim Rohn

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You Really Do Matter

Seth Godin is a great marketer who inspires many people. Here is a recent post:

You Matter

  • When you love the work you do and the people you do it with, you matter.
  • When you are so gracious and generous and aware that you think of other people before yourself, you matter.
  • When you leave the world a better place than you found it, you matter.
  • When you continue to raise the bar on what you do and how you do it, you matter.
  • When you teach and forgive and teach more before you rush to judge and demean, you matter.
  • When you touch the people in your life through your actions (and your words), you matter.
  • When kids grow up wanting to be you, you matter.
  • When you see the world as it is, but insist on making it more like it could be, you matter.
  • When you inspire a Nobel prize winner or a slum dweller, you matter.
  • When the room brightens when you walk in, you matter.
  • And when the legacy you leave behind lasts for hours, days or a lifetime, you matter.


Visit Seth’s blog and sign up for his daily updates.

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Easy + Fun + In-Demand = $$$

Social Media Business-in-a-Box

A few days ago I created a post about an easy, fun and in-demand service that is truly a Social Media Business-in-a-box that has the potential to generate lots of income $$$ for both the provider and their clients.

I've gone all the way through the program and I think it's a phenomenal opportunity if you're the right person.

So who is the "right person"?  Well I highly recommend this if:

  • You've been looking for a way to make money online
  • You like being able to call the shots regarding how you spend your time
  • You are looking for a simple "business-in-a-box" approach that has all the steps laid out for you
  • You want something that can get you "up and running" in a very short time with a minimal investment
  • You enjoy hooking people up with others (no, this is not a matchmaking service, and you only work behind the scenes!)
  • You like the whole "social media" scene (or you are fascinated by it, even if you don't fully understand it)
  • You simply want to know more about how to use social media to improve your own financial bottom line

Now, if you are even the slightest bit intrigued, I encourage you to go watch this video.

Plus, at the end of the video, if you click away, a pop-up window will give you a chance to watch the first training video for free.  That way you get an idea of whether this is something you can turn into a micro-enterprise (that's why it's a business-in-a-box), an add-on to what you are already doing, or a way to upgrade your own social media presence.

I gained several tips that I'll be putting into practice over the next few weeks – tips I think will not only increase my "social exposure", but will also lead to more success as measured by the profitability of my businesses.

Of course, this might not be for you. You might prefer to avoid social media all together. But just notice how many advertisements and TV programs are now listing their twitter accounts and asking you to follow them. The smartest companies are using social media to stay in touch with their customers and to discover what those customers like and want more of.

In fact, I just read an article in the latest Fast Company magazine where they are studying the brain activity that occurs during social media interaction – it's very, very similar to what happens when you are hanging around with your friends in the "real world". Seems that your brain can't tell the difference – that same social connection stimulates what the author called the "cuddle reflex". The implications are staggering – social media may be one of the best ways to develop a sense of trust with your customers.

So, hop on over to watch the video and make up your own mind that this is for you.  Personally, I think it's an amazing offer for the price!

To your success


Oh Yes:
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P.S. Yes, that's an affiliate link – and I really do think it's a phenomenal offer for the price!! This is one Social Media Business-in-a-Box that can quickly add one more way to boost your income.


Spring Cleaning for Your Soul

Enjoy this pithy guest post by Bethany North.

What exactly is the purpose of spring cleaning? Of course, we are all familiar with clearing cobwebs from corners, throwing out old clothes, and even scrubbing down baseboards so that they look brand-new again,carpet cleaning with carpet cleaning Penarth. That being said, if the past year has brought you challenges and the regular dose of stress, you may want to take your spring cleaning to the next level by examining your personal life.

Clean out your mind.

This basically means unloading negative thoughts, problems you have been holding onto, and stress that has built up throughout the year. In the same way that you would throw out last season’s coat or shoes, this is your opportunity to toss out work stress, an argument with a sibling or friend, or even disappointments that you may have with yourself. That is so 2009! Instead of holding onto old issues, you can begin letting go of them slowly but surely by clearing your mind of this stress.


Organize your thoughts.

In the same way that you would organize an unruly closet or junk drawer in the spirit of spring cleaning, start by organizing your thoughts. Do you have a to-do list that never gets done? Do you have goals that you have not yet accomplished? It is so easy to procrastinate, especially when it comes to your personal life. However, now is the time to get it all down on paper! Start making a legitimate list of your goals, no matter how small or large they may be. Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to get a promotion? Do you want to stop smoking? Do you want to start treating yourself better? These are all reasonable goals that you can accomplish by getting organized!


Get down and dirty.

In the same way that you would move your refrigerator to clean under it as a result of aggressive spring cleaning, you also have the opportunity to get down and dirty and finally let go of issues that you have been continually struggling with. Whether you have always planned to lose 10 more pounds, eat better, or find a job that you are truly passionate about, get to the heart of what is really bothering you. Instead of complaining about your boss over and over again, now is the time to take action instead of sweeping dirt under the rug!


Follow these simple tips and your spring cleaning for the soul experience will be a success! This is your opportunity to make long-lasting changes by opening your mind and becoming ready for any opportunity that lies ahead.


Bethany North is prolific blogger and a coffee fanatic that has spent the entirety of her career cultivating and studying all of the best uses and brewing styles for optimal coffee and espresso flavor. Her specialty site for all coffee needs, supplies, and the Bunn O Matic Coffee Maker can be found at

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